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N NEW JERSEY n (new jersey) (14)



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    Author: N (NEW JERSEY)


    PRIICT0N (New Jersey). Princeton Uravesity. arent of Economics, nd So1 International Finance Section. Princeton studies in international finance. [Cohtinued. :i 0. 5. 30K (Derek C.) The First three years of the Schuiman Plan. 1955. (O1vIP41Q cnL’s1c 6. MEADE (James Edward). Negotiations Ior ezio1ux: an annotated chronicle, 1943—1956. 1957. ttj (pc..a) 7. LIESNER (Hans H.iC.K.0.) The Import depenence of 3ritain and Western Germany: a coaparative study. 1957. (SEE NEXT CAR.D.)

    Card ID: 177

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    PRINCON (New Jersey). Princeton University. partment of Economics. Industrial Relations Section. Research report series. [Continued.J 120. PRINCETON (New Jersey). Princeton University. Department of Economics. Industrial Relations Section. Evaluating the labor—market effects of social /j programs. Edited by Orley Ashenfelter and James Blum. 1976. DEPOSITORY 122. HITR (Sharon P.) Equal pay in the public sector: fact or fantasy. 1977. [SEE N(T CARD.]

    Card ID: 145

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    ?RINCETON (New Jersey). Princeton University. Departinent of Economics1-ind Docial - Inti’j-n dustrial Relations Sectipj. Selected book list for the office library of an industrial relations executive. pp. (6) + 23 + (1). 0 8 . Princeton, 1930.

    Card ID: 146

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    PRINCETON (New Jersey). Princeton University. Department of Economics Soc-i1 Iotitut-e-e. Thternational Finance Section. Special papers in international economics. [Continued. J 6. HALM (George N.) The “Band” proposal: the limits of permissible exchange rate variations. 1965. 7. CORDEN (Warner N.) Recent developments in the theory of i n4Irn,al trade. 1965. [sE2 NX! CARD]

    Card ID: 190

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    PRINCETON (New Jersey). Princeton University. Department of Eeonomics.-4---5e.4a4n-tLi.ois. International Finance Section. Princeton studies in international finance. [Continued.) 9. WHIMkN (Marina von N.) The United investment guaranty program and private foreign investment. 1959. 10. KENEN (Peter B.) Reserve—assit prefer of central banks and stability of the gold—exchange standard. 1963. 11. BLOOMFIELD (Arthur I.) Short—term capital Tk. movements under the pre—191t gold standard. 1963. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 178

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    PRINCETON (New Jersey). Princeton Universitx. De,artment of Economics. International Finance Section. Essays in international finance. [Continued.] 120. EkLM (George N.) Janaica and the par—value system. 1977. 121. W!UttW (?ilarina von Neumann). Sustainicg the ‘T’4 frcL.) international economic system. 1977 122. thIMIN’GER (Otinar). The D4iark in the conflict betwec.nTP internal and external equilibrium, 1948—75. 1977. (P.c2 123. STERN (Robert Mitchell). The Presentation of the U.S. ba:krre of payments: a symposium. [By) Robert H.Stern, Charles I.Sdhwartz, Robert Trif fin, Edward M.Bernstein and Waither Lederer. 1977. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 174

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    Author: PRINCMN (Nfl JERSEY)


    PRINCMN (Nfl Jersey). Princeton University. Department of Economics. International Finance Section. Essays in international finance. IContinued.] 1p( Pc..24 106. NcKINNON (Ronald Ian). A New tripartite monetary agreement or a limping dollar standard? 107. riaiino (John Marcus). Reflections on the international monetary reform. 1974. 1QS. DIAZ-ALFJANDRO (Carlos Federico). Less developed TM countries and the post—1971 international financial system. 1975. 109. MIK3EIL (Raymon Frech) and GOLDSTEIN (Henry N.) ¶ (e.c..2) Rules for a floating-rate regime. 1975. 110. NIC]LALOPOIJWS (Constantine). Financing needs of (“ 2) developing countrios: proposals for international action. 1975. [SEE NEXD CARD.]

    Card ID: 171

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    Author: No Author available


    92.t,13 PRINCETON (New Jersey). Princeton University. An Account of the College of New-Jersey, in which are described the methods of government, modes of instruction, maimer and expences of living .n te same, pp. 47. rontispiece. 8°. Woodbridge, N.J., 1764.

    Card ID: 62

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    Author: No Author available


    Cc2 .& ot J AVIANTJS (Flavius). See PRINCETON (New Jersey). Princeton University. Depatnent of Art and Archaeog. Studies in Manuscript Illumination. 1 - n Early manuscript of the Aesop fables of Avianus and related manuscripts, .. Princeton, 1947.

    Card ID: 299

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    Author: No Author available


    i:i:.L. /Je7 1!FL’Ok (wi11i]n), £eiiber of the PterEon board of EJuc tion. Eee 1EwM: (NEV! JEHSEY). hew’ J.cer Historicel $ocety. f?ublications.J Archives of the State of Jersey. First series. Docuaents relating to theeolonial, (revolutionary and pos.t-revolutionry) historynof the State of New Jersey. 21. Calendar of records in the office of ti& eetzbf. .Zttte, 1S64-1703. (Edited by W.Neison.)• terori, 1;399.

    Card ID: 316

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    Author: C (i EV J RY)


    [0r /B3 N EVAt{xC (i EV J RY). i civ Jer s cyjjistoriealCociqt. {Pub1iction. r Archives of the State of New Jersey. First Leries. Documents relating to the colonial, (rvo1utionary and post—revolutionary) history of the State of Nev: Jersey. 15—13. Journal of the Governor ud Council... 1682—1714, (1715—1758, 173—174, edited. by F.’V. !icord and W.Nelson. 174J—i755 1756—i76, 1769—1775,. edited by F.W.Mcord5. 6 vols. Folded mile. Trentoi, 1390—93.

    Card ID: 17

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    Author: No Author available


    p. R. [is- PRINCETOI{ (New Jersey). ncetonUnivrsi. Department of Economics.-aid Social Instituti’,n. Industrial Relations Sectiox,. Research report series. 93. Disability retirement in industrial pension plans. By W, 14. Blumenthal. pp. 62. Tables.. .0 8 . Prieton, 1956. a

    Card ID: 138