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N John Harold to (john) (10)



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    Author: N (John Harold)


    YJ57 wil WILSoN (John Harold). Court satire of the Restoratiou. pp. ociii, 3011. Iflus. Colwius, Ohio, igy6.

    Card ID: 536

  • card

    Author: CIAPHAM (Sir John Harold)


    CIAPHAM (Sir John Harold). See TORONTO. Chp1ain Society. LPublications.] Hudsons Bay ompany Series. . Minutes of the Hudson’s Bay Conpari-, 1671—1bJ4. Edited by E.E. Rich, with n introduction by Sir J. Clapham. Toron, 1942.

    Card ID: 109

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    Author: HUIAIE (Harold)


    (3MUL, HUIAIE (Harold). LONDOi. (III. I Roy1 Historical Soc iey. Camden series. 5. Camden miscellany, i6. (A Probate inventdry of goods and chattels of Sir John Pliot, late orsoner in the Tovrer 1633. H.Hulme.) - TM 1936. N

    Card ID: 289

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    Cx’) f.c L’o.- —ct - L;’J HAYES (Bernard John). See BYRON (Q. 0, N.) Baron Byron. [Child Harold’sPilgrimage.] Ohilde Harold’s pilgrimage, cantot III. and IV. Edited by B. J, hayes. london, [1932.)

    Card ID: 114

  • card

    Author: AYCKBOURN (Alan)


    YQ67 Ayc AYCKBOURN (Alan). Mixed doubles: n entertainment on marriage by Alan Ayckbourn, John Bowen, Lyndon Broàk, David Campton, George Melly, Alun Owen, Harold Pinter, James Saunders, Fay Weldon. pp. 90. London, 1977..

    Card ID: 490

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    NEEtI Usa UNItED STATES CF AMERICA. [Congress. - Temporary National Economic Committee.] Investigation of concentration of economic power... Konograph[s). [Continued.] 16. Antitrust in action. ([By] Walton Hamilton and Irene Till.) 1941. 17. Problems of small business. ([By] John N. Cover, Nathanael H. Engle, Earl D. Strong, Peter FL Nehenkis, William Saunders, Harold Vatter, Harold H. Wein.) 1941. 18. Trade association survey. ([By] C.A. Pearce1 assisted by John M. Jacobs, C.J. Judkins [and others].) 1941. 19. Government purchasing: an economic commentary. (By Clem C. Lini ‘ Dana K. Barbour.) 1940. [SEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 102

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    Author: No Author available


    IJI1ITED STATES OF AMERICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Association of American Geographers. Commission on College Geography. Resource papers). CContinued.J 6. ROSE (Harold N.) Social processes in the city: race and urban residential choice. 1969. 3 uGp 7. MAYER (Harold Helvin). The Spatial expression of urbn growth. 1969. .. 8. SOJA (Edward W.) The Political organization of space. 171. 5 tr •C.) 9. SCOTT (Allen John). An Introduction to spatial allocation analysis. 1971. c €. -m 10. TUAN (Yi—F). Man and nature. 1971. - .. 11. HARI’4AN (Jay Reginald). Trooospheric waves, jet streams, and United Stat weather patterns. 1971. SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 258

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    Author: No Author available


    t’olio 53 MIJ3 Geo BA1 (Alan Reginald Harold) and IARIE’f (John Brian). !/n made the land: essays in English historical geography. A series from the Geographical zine. IBy various authors. ].. .Editors: Alan R.H. Baker and. J.B. Harley. Newton Abbot, 1973. See GEOCAPHICAL MAGAZINE. Geographical gazine.

    Card ID: 5

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    Author: No Author available


    1. UIBANA. University of Illinois. Graduate School of Library Science. Windsor Lectures in Librarianship. [This series is fully catalogued under the autho*..J r 1. WINTEIICH (John T.) Three lantern 2. RIDENOUR (Louis N.) Bibliography i 2. of science. [By] L..N.Fldenour, R.R.Shaw, A.G.Hill. 1951. 3. RAY (Gordon NJ. Nineteenth-curty ngifh books. [By] G.N.Ray, C.J.Weber, J.Carter. 1952. DEPOSITORY 4. GUINZBUBG (Harold IC.) Books and the mass market. [By] H.1C.Gujnzburg, R.W.Frase, T.Waller. 1953. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 543

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    Author: No Author available


    Malcolm Morley Collection COTORi.R BlT 1511 DR!MATISTS. [Cntinved. j 24.M.LtSON (Miles). Conflict. 1925. 25.COWARD (Noel P.) Fallen angela. 1925. 27.COWAD (Noel P.) Hay fever. 1925. 28.MONK11OUSE (Allan N.) Sons and fathers. 1925. 29.RUBINSTIN (HaroiA F.) and TAIJ3OT (Alfred J.) Churchill. 1925. 3O.FOREST (Charles E.) The Stolen horse. 1925. 31,SHAIRP (Mordaunt). The Offence. 1925. 32,HAIOOO (Harold N.) The Grain of rustard seed. 1926. 32.JCHN (Gwen). Plays of innocence. 1925. 33.COURNOS (John). Sport of gods. 1925. 34JONES,afterwarda CHESTERTON (Ada E.) and NEALE (Laph). The Man who -. r. 1926. [sEE NEXT CAN).)

    Card ID: 242