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N George Stephen n (george) (5)
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N, George Stephen
N, stephen Lucius
DONALD, George
GOODDN, Stephen
Author: N (George Stephen)
3 SJG s8 Wi’ Reference only wIuduscN (George Stephen). Wilkinson’ s Road traffic offences. Ninth edition by Patrick EaThan, assisted by David Latham. pp. cviii, 931. London, 1977.
Card ID: 406
Author: N (stephen Lucius)
GWYiN (stephen Lucius). The l!akir.ig of Ngeri: historich introduction. ‘‘ELLESLEY (Dorothy V.), u1ess or we ii irgton. Sir George Goldie, founder of 4igeria, etc. pp.1—i7. Londoji, 1934.
Card ID: 581
Author: DONALD (George)
‘(N M3M MacDONALD (George), LL.D. 9o Stephen Archer and other tales. london, 1905. Sce supra: he Gifts of the Child Christ.
Card ID: 233
Author: GOODDN (Stephen)
STERLI1G L13RARY L1i t (c] REFERENcE ONLY GOODDN (Stephen). See HAMILTON (Sir George n.) The Latin portrait: an anthology... [English verse translations from the Latin, chosen and edited with the original text] by G.R.Hamilton. [With copperplate engravings by S.Gooden.] Nonesuch_Press: London, 1929.
Card ID: 105
N MacDONALD (George), LI. [The Gifto of the Chi1 Christ.] Stephen Arc1er, nd other ta1e. [A new edition of “The Gifts of the Child Christ, and other tales” in one volume with the tales in a different order.j pp. 354. rontispiece. 8°. London, 1905.
Card ID: 198