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N, George Gordon Noel
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Author: N (George Gordon Noel)
YN B97F 973 BYI0N (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron. [Letters anc* Journals.) Byron’s letters and journals. Edited by Leslie A. 1archand, etc. [Continued.] 8.1Born for opposition..1821. 1978. 9. ‘In the wind’s eye’...1821—1822. 1979. 10. ‘A Heart for every fate’...1822—1823. 1980. 11. ‘For freedom’s battle’...1823—1824. 1981. 12. ‘The roublc of an index’...Anthology of memorable passages and index th the eleven volumes. 1982.
Card ID: 130
Author: No Author available
(w.YIc C BYEON (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron. [Bride of Abydos.] The Bride of Abydos: a Turkish tale...Sixth edition. pp. 72. n o . London. 1o14. Bound with; the 11th edItion of The Giaour.
Card ID: 137
N’M J3YRO1 (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron, EAppendix.— Biography and Criti See ESCARPIT (Robert). Lord Byron:. un temperament litt4raire, Paris, 1956—57.
Card ID: 304
4.. • - - . - ,-. - BYRON (George Gordon Noel); Baron Byo,-. - [Appendix. — iorahy and Oriticism.] ‘ ROUGH (Graham-G.)Two exiles: Lod Byron and D.H.Lawrence.[ Nottingha,n 1956].
Card ID: 329
1 \J N B7Qc 82.) BYRON (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron. IMarino Faliero.] Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice...The Prophecy of Dante, etc. [Continued.] Second edition. pp. xxi. + 261. Portrait. 8°. London, 1821.
Card ID: 226
N. (i / - -. I’V171 ‘—.. . BYRON (George Gordon Noel), Baron Eyro. [Appendix. Biogrshy nd Criticism.! See MOORE (Thomas), the Poet. Prose and verse, humorous, satirical, and sentImental by Thomas Moore. With suppressed passages from the memoirs of Lord Byron...With notes and introduction by R.H.Shepherd. London, 1878.
Card ID: 360