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N David Graham a:on david|k:on (david) (2)



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    Author: N (David Graham)


    XOL Pat PA?rISoN (David Graham) Early Spanish suffixes: a functional study of the principal ncxnlr’.sl suffixes of Spanish up to 1300. (publications of the Phi1o1oica1 Society, 27.) pp.2L. Oxford, 1975.

    Card ID: 135

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    Author: No Author available


    4 COLUMBIA ESSAYS ON MODE1N WRITEIS. Columbia essays on modern writers, etc. [Continued.] 17. (David Jo). Graham Greene. 1966. N? i L 18. OODRIG (Carl Ray). Virginia Woolf. 1966. ( R c c) 19. SOKEL (Walter Herbert). Franz Kafka. 1966. XU (:?(: Q) 20. DRIVER (Tom Faw). Jean Genet. 1966. c_) 21. LEES (Francis Noel). Gerard Manley Hopkins. 1966. 22. ZIOLKOWSKI (Theodore). Hermann Hease, 1966. j(9,2 f SEE NEXT CAR]),)

    Card ID: 141