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N Augustus a:an augustus|k:0946 (3)
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N, Augustus
N, John Augustus
N, Edward Augustus
Author: N (Augustus)
SiIlVl% Ltyw )RG?N (Augustus). J’thematica1 books: De Morgan catalogue. (A xerographic reproduction of a MS. catalogue n the Cravford Library, Royal Observatory, iinburgh.] ft • 21th. obl.fol. Wanting ft .16 and 19.
Card ID: 122
Author: N (John Augustus)
DEPOSITOFY AVDER%N (John Augustus). .2 JONES (FI,Q.) and AI1DERON (J.Aj. Th Absorption spotr pf.sglutions of oertain sts in cobalt, eto. Washington, 1909.
Card ID: 35
Author: N (Edward Augustus)
DEPOSITORY FflEE!iN (Edward Augustus). Sketches of travel in Norrnandy and Maine. • .With illuetrations from drawings; by the author, and a prefaoe by W.H.Hntton. [Edited by I.T’reeman.] pp.xv. + 243. [L.!.] 8. London and New York, 189?.
Card ID: 457