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N, Auguste
N, AfredLouis Auguste
N, Alexandre Auguste
N, Henri Auguste
N, Louis Nicolas Plülippe Auguste de
Author: N (Auguste)
XTT P35a N&RflN (Auguste). O3rnet PGuy, 1966. Stabli par A. rtin Land others], etc. [A list of events and news itcnm and. bflhiograph±es oC publications concen4ng Peg-ay in 1966.] (h±ers de Diaries Peg, 22 ) pp. 232. Paris, 1969.
Card ID: 52
Author: N (A1fredLouis Auguste)
:r F!ANKLrN (A1fredLouis Auguste). Pr4cis de l’histoire de la Bib1iothque du fbi, aujourd’hui Bibliothèque Nationale... Deuxième 4dition, corrigée et très.-augment4e. pp. (4) + vii. + 341 + (3). I11uion. 0 8 . 1875. No. 224 of an editiot 1Imted to 400 coi.
Card ID: 170
Author: N (Alexandre Auguste)
NSS LZD Cal - UDiI-ROLLtN (Alexandre Auguste). Se CALMAN (Alvin R.) - - - Iclru..Rofliñ and th&aeêoM Prnch fpib1ic, etc. [T si s: Cohtibia univerBity. I New Yk, 12. - (Another edition.] ‘ L1.° New Ycrk, 12.
Card ID: 392
Author: N (Henri Auguste)
LI ALE o)oN (Henri Auguste). See ALEANDRO (Girolamo), the Elder. Cadina1. Journal autobiographique du Cardinal Jér6me Aléandre, 1480—1530. Publié... par H.Omont, etc. Paris, 1895.
Card ID: 281
Author: N (Louis Nicolas Plülippe Auguste de)
OEPOSITORr FO1BtN (Louis Nicolas Plülippe Auguste de), Count. Voyage dans le Levant en .1817 et i8i8. pp. (12) + 460. Folded plan. 0 8 . Paris, 1819. This edition does not contain 78 plates and 2 plans which were included in the folio edition, published in the same year.
Card ID: 149