
Search Term (count):

N Alfred a:n 7’ |k:n (7’ ) (5)



  • card

    Author: N (Alfred)


    YrJ ]52A TNNYS0N (Alfred), Ba’pn Tennyson. [Works.] [Works.] Annotated by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Edited by Hallam, Lord Tennyson. (The Eversley Edition,) 9 vols. Portraits and facsimiles. 8°. 1907-6. 1-2. Poems. 2 vols. 1907—8. i. Enoch Arden, and In meiaoriam. 1908. 4. The Princess, and Maud. 1908. 5. Idylls of the King. 1908. 6. Ballads, and other poems. 1908. 7. Deuieter, and other poems. 1908. 8. Qieen Iary, and Harold. 1908. 9. Becket, and. o*,b 1908.

    Card ID: 476

  • card

    Author: N (Alfred)


    TE1NYS0N (Alfred), p.xjTrnysox. [Appendix.] TER (Robert H.) Richard irolt Hutton’s eriticin of five nineteith century poets... Tennyson, . 1960.

    Card ID: 581

  • card

    Author: LOISY (Alfred Fir!n±n)


    PNB Loi LOISY (Alfred Fir!n±n). Ristoire et ‘iythe propos d.e Jsua-Christ. (With special reference to the writings of P.L. couchouci.] pp. 26o. 80. Paris, 1938.

    Card ID: 212

  • card

    Author: N (Alfred Eiward)


    3 YO Reference only HOU4N (Alfred Eiward). See HYD (clyde Kenneth). A Concordance to the poems of A,E.Housnian. Compiled and edited. by C.] to].. Gloucester, Mass., 1966.

    Card ID: 107

  • card

    Author: N (Paul Alfred)


    YHQ Joy JOBGEN6N (Paul Alfred). Redeeming Shakespeare’s wordS. pp. x. + 131. 8°. Berkeiy and hoe Anele, 1962.

    Card ID: 629