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N Alexander a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (6)
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N, Alexander
N, Wiian Alexander
N, Robert Alexander
N, James Alexander
Author: N (Alexander)
4c BArN (Alexander), Professor of Logic in the Universjt - of Aberdeen. Linglish composition and rhetorio: ..rnanua1. pp. c. + 292. LG.O.) 8. London, 1866. ___ 3P9 English extracts; supplementary to a manual of English composition and rhetoric. pp iv. + 64. EG.G.] 16°. London [Aberdeen printed), 1866.
Card ID: 297
Kie KLE[N (Alexander). Natural enemies? Youti and tie clash of generations. [Readings. J Collected and edited by Alexander Klein. pp.xli, 533. Philadelihia and Nev York, 1969.
Card ID: 290
tR Rob 1OBE1T)N (Alexander), Lecturer at the University of Sheffield. The Life of Sir Robert Moray, soldier, statesrne.n and nn of’ science, 1608—1673. pp. xiii. +223. 8°. London, 1922.
Card ID: 359
Author: N (Wi11ian Alexander)
OSBOtN (Wi11ian Alexander). The Revised version oI the New Testament: a oritioal oonwaentary, with notes upon the text. pp. xvi. + 2OO tL.W.L.D 80 Londo, 1882.
Card ID: 160
Author: N (Robert Alexander)
SCHLJMAI’N (Robert Alexander). SCHUMANN (Eugerde). Robert Schumann: em Lebénsbiid meines Vaters. Leipz, 1931.
Card ID: 74
Author: N (James Alexander)
WILLIA1S0N (James Alexander). !EW YORK. Ameiican Geographical Society. Special Publications. 10. Richard flakluyt and the English voyages By G.B.Parcs...Edited, with an introduction by J.A.Wiliiamson. Second printing. New York, 1930.
Card ID: 298