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MYRES Sir John Linton a:an john a|k:to (john) (4)



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    Author: MYRES (Sir John Linton)


    MYRES (Sir John Linton). See VOLOIJAKIS (M.D.) The I8land of Roses and ner eleven sisters; or, the Dodecanese, from the earliest time down to the present day...Wit)i an introducton by J.L. Myres, etc. Londofl, 1922.

    Card ID: 280

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    Author: MYRES (Sir John Linton)


    MYRES (Sir John Linton). The Dawn of history. [Vlith a bibliography.] (Home Univer3iy Librr of Modern iCnow1ede.) pp. 256. 8°. London, [‘913]. —[A reprint.] pp. 256. U 80. London, 19L16.

    Card ID: 267

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    Author: MYRES (Sir J’ohn Linton)


    3 MYRES (Sir J’ohn Linton). John Knight Fotheringham, 1874—1936. :[signed: JL. Myres.J From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume XXIII. pp. i6. 0 8 . London, [1938].

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: YRES (Sir John lint on)


    1YRES (Sir John lint on). See EVANS (Sir Arthur John) and MYRES (Sir John Linton). Inscriptions iii the Minoan linear script of class A. Edited by W.C. Brice from the notes of Sir A.Evans and Sir J.Myres. Oxford and London, 1961.

    Card ID: 277