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MURRAY Michael a:in michael|k:0582 (3)
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MURRAY, Michael
MURRAY, Michael Edward
MURRAY, Michael Huiit
Author: MURRAY (Michael)
yOtTOR7 MURRAY (Michael). Poland’s progress, 1919—1939. Edited by M.Mvrray. With an introduction by Sir E.Barker. pp. xii. + 152. Illustrations maps. 0 8 London, 1944. —(Third printing.) pp. xii. + 152. I11ust.razUons and endoa_. 8°. Jpndon, 1945.
Card ID: 455
Author: MURRAY (Michael Edward)
UB Mur MURRAY (Michael Edward). Modern critical theory: a phencnuenologice.1 introduction. pp.236. Bibi. The Hague, l97.
Card ID: 456
Author: MURRAY (Michael Huiit)
PRALi Mur MURRAY (Michael Huiit). The Thought of Teilbard. d.e Charctin: an introduction. pp • x • + 177. Bibliography. 8G. New York, 1966.
Card ID: 457