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MUIR, Kenneth Arthur
Author: MUIR (Kenneth Arthur)
4 itt MUIR (Kenneth Arthur) English poetry: a students’ anthology. pp. V. + (3) + 306. 8°. London, 1938.
Card ID: 430
and PS (ABc - Esay6] Eng MUIR (Kenneth Arthur), The Pursuit of relevance. See LONDON. [111.] EnElish Association. Essays and studies 1973, etc. pp. 20—34. London, 1973.
Card ID: 432
YG S5a Mui MUIR (Kenneth Arthur). Sir Philip Sidney. (Bibliographical Series of Suplenients to ‘British Book News’ on Writers and their Work, 220.) pp. 40. Bibliography and portrait. . g0 London, 1960. S (Reprinted with minor correctiona and additions to bibliography.) pp. 40. Bibliography and portrait. 1L&w 0 8 . ELondon], 1967.
Card ID: 433
and PS [ABc - Essays] MUIR (Kenneth Arthur). See LONDON. [III.] Snglish Association. Essays and studies 1974, being Volume twenty-seven of the new series of Essays and studies collected for the English Assoociation by K.t4uir. London, 1974.
Card ID: 434
MUIR (Kenneth Arthur). - See SELAKESPEABE (William). (King Lear • 1952.1 King Lear. (Eighth edition.) Edited by K.Muir. Based on the edition of W. J.Craig. London, 1952.
Card ID: 435