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MUIR John a:on john|k:0959 (10)
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MUIR, John
MUIR, John Ramsay Bryce
MUIR, John Ranisay ryco
MUIR, John flainsay Bryce
MUIR, John âinsay Bryce
MUIR, John Raiiway Bryce and PHILIP, Georg
Author: MUIR (John)
MUIR (John), See KUENEN (A.) The Prophets and prophecy in Israel... With an introduction by J. Muir. London, 187?.
Card ID: 404
NR3 MUIR (John), cporer. My’ first summer in the 3ierra...With illustrations from drawings made by the author in 1869, . pp. 353. rpnt1s— pie C. 8°. Boston [Mass.] and New York, 1911.
Card ID: 406
Author: MUIR (John Ramsay Bryce)
EPOsrrbRv MUIR (John Ramsay Bryce). America the golden: an Znglisbman’s notes and comparisons. pp. x. + 141. 0 8 . London, 192?.
Card ID: 408
Author: MUIR (John Ranisay 3ryco)
L9e MUI MUIR (John Ranisay 3ryco). An Autobiography and some essays. Edited by S.llodgaon. [The essays are appreciations of Ranisa’ Muir by various authors.] pp. viii1 214. Portraits. 80. London, 1943.
Card ID: 409
r1P1DSITORY MUIR (John Ramsay Bryce). Eritish history: a survey of the history of aU the British peoples.. [With bibliographies.] pp. xx. + 8i6. Maps and tables. 8°. Londor, 1929.
Card ID: 413
DPOTT(P MUIR (John Ramsay Bryce). Politics and progress: a survey of the problems of to-day. pp. ix. + 182. 0 ondon, 1923.
Card ID: 422
Author: MUIR (John flainsay Bryce)
MUIR (John flainsay Bryce). The University of Liverpool.: its present state. pp. 54. Table. 8°. Liverpool, 190?.
Card ID: 424
7’ MUIR (John Ramsay Bryce) ENGLAND. [Miscellaneous Subheadings.] National Liberal Federation. The Liberal. way: a survey of Liberal policy...With a foreword by R.Muir. London, 1934.
Card ID: 425
Author: MUIR (John âinsay Bryce)
MUIR (John âinsay Bryce). Soc LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Instituiions, Societies, eta,] Couucil for the Study o_ InternationIThelations. ‘oreign Series. 3. The War and the settlement: au Italian view. By B. Rignano...With an introduction by amsay Muir. ]1onon, [1916.)
Card ID: 426
Author: MUIR (John Raiiway Bryce) and PHILIP (Georg6)
jog MUIR (John Raiiway Bryce) and PHILIP (Georg6). Philips’ Atlas of ancient and classical history. A series of 20 an introduction illustrated by four plans...and a Lu].1 index. Edited b R. Muir and G. Philip. pp. 8 + 20 (maps) +7 0 4 • London and Liverpool, 1938. [For a later edition of this work:] See HUIR (John Ramsay Bryce). Muir’s Historical atlas, ancient and classical.
Card ID: 427