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MUELLER, William ,Randolph
MUELLER, william Randolph
Author: MUELLER (William ,Randolph)
0 MUELLER (William ,Randolph). t%g. The Anatomy of Robert Burton?s England. (University of’ California PubUcatio. EngJ.i.h Studies, 2.) pp. viii. + 121w 8°. i’1c1ei and Los Angeles, 1952.
Card ID: 650
Author: MUELLER (william Randolph)
YUR Hue MUELLER (William Randolph). The Prophetic voice In modern fiction. [Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Cainua: The Fall. Kafka: The Trial • Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury. Greene: The Heart of the ltter. Silone: A Handful of Blackberries.] (A Doubleday Anchor Book.) pp. ix. + 186. 8°. Garden City, N.Y., 1966.
Card ID: 652