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MTJRY Francis a:in william|k:it (william) (1)
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MTJRY, Francis
Author: MTJRY (Francis)
f SAN Wak MTJRY (Francis), Bishop of’ Rochester. [The Rights, Powers, and Privileges of’ an English Convocation. - appendix.) See WAKE (William), successively Bishop of Lincoln and Archbishop of Canterbury. The State of the Church and clergy of zgland in their councils, convocations, synods, conventions, and other publick assemblies, historically deduced from the conversion of the Saxons to the present times. With a large appendix of’ original writs, and other instruments...Occasion’d. by a book [by F.Attcrbury, Bishop of Rochester] Tb risp ra, and privileges of London, 1703, repub Lead, Farnborough, 1967.
Card ID: 14