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MSN John on (john) (3)



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    Author: MSN (John)


    3FL1- MSN (John), of Catharine Hall, canibridge. John Mason’s The Turke. Edited frotn the quartos of 1610 aLid 1632 by J. Q. Adams, Jr. Lov1xi, 1913. . BA1G (Willy). iateria1ien zur Kunde des J.teren englisehen Dramas, etc. 37.

    Card ID: 170

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    Author: ALLISON (John Maudridge &iowden)


    MSN LAM AU ALLISON (John Maudridge &iowden). Lamoinon de Maleaherbes, defender and reformer of the French monarchy, l72l-l794. + 177. Bibliographical note, portraits and plates. 80. Nei’ Haven and LofldOflj 1938.

    Card ID: 20

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    Author: No Author available


    3YP J85a Ohe Reference only DILlON (John M.) See Q ‘iiiifl (Brendan) and Dfl10t (John H.) A classical lexicon for ‘Fiimegans 1lake’: a glossary of the Greek and Latin in the nEjor works of Joyce, including ‘Finnegans Wake’, the poems, ‘Dubliners’, ‘Stephen Hero’, ‘A Portxit of the artist as a young msn’, ‘Exiles’, and ‘Ulysses’. Berkeley, 1977.

    Card ID: 584