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MSCH Jean Andr4 van der a:pp jean|k:pp (jean) (1)
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MSCH, Jean Andr van der
Author: MSCH (Jean Andr4 van der )
QL MSCH (Jean Andr4 Van Der ), General. Rpon3e 1e 8.E. le Gênra1 d.’Artllerie Vancler Mersch, [protesting hi8 loyalty and responsibility only to the Belgian people,] a la lettre des Etats de 1azidre, du 9 Avril 1790. pp. 3. [L.I.] 0 8 . [Brussels,] 1790. Catalogued from the oaption. Bound in_a volume lettered: The evo1ution in Belgium. 11.
Card ID: 34