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MOURANT Arthur Ernest a:in ernest|k:will (ernest) (2)
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MOURANT, Arthur Ernest
MOURT, Arthur Ernest
Author: MOURANT (Arthur Ernest)
DEPOSITOR? MOURANT (Arthur Ernest). ENGLAND. Departments of tate and Official Bodies. Privy Council. Medical Research Council. Memorandum. 19. The Rh blood groups and thcir clinical effects. By P. f. Moilison, .a E. Mourant and R. B. Race. London, 1948. 27. Revision of Memorandum 19, . London, 1952.
Card ID: 231
Author: MOURT (Arthur Ernest)
UCJ7 ai MOURT (Arthur Ernest). $ee LONION. £ III j Roya]. Anthr1og1c1 Insttuteof Great Brita.n nd jreland. Man and cattle: proceedings of’ a symposium on donesticatlon at the oya1 .nthropo1og1ca1 Institte, 2i-26 May 1960. Edited by A.E. Mourant and F.W.7,euner. S’.[ Londonl, 1963.
Card ID: 232