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MOULTON Richard Green green (richard) (7)
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MOULTON, Richard Green
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Author: MOULTON (Richard Green)
‘iU MOULTON (Richard Green). The Modern study of literature: an introduction to literary theory and interpretation. pp. xii. +530. 8. Chicago, 1915.
Card ID: 116
Katz MOULTON (Richard Green). The Literary study of the Bible: an account of the leading forms of literature represented in the sacred writings. Intended for English readers. pp. xii, 533. London, 1896.
Card ID: 115
73 • MOULTON (Richard Green). The University exIension uovement....With. an introduction by Professor Stuart. [With &ppenctices.J pp. vi. + 3—6i. Tables. 8°. London and Derby, [18871. (flc) [Another copy.]
Card ID: 120
MOULTON (Richard Green). The Moral system of Shakespeare: a popular illustration of fiction as the experimental side of philosophy. pp. viii. + 381. 8°. New York and London, 1903. “vi’ HPf —(New edition.) Shakespeare as a dramatic M thinker: a popular illustration of fiction as the experimental side of philosophy. pp. viii. + 381. 8. New York and London, 1907.
Card ID: 117
Author: No Author available
L<1’J 7. MOULTON (Richard Green). The Reorge.nisation of liberal education. [Signed: R.G. Moulton.) [‘ith appendices.) pp. 40. 8°. [Sheffield. printed, far private circulation, 1879?]
Card ID: 118
L)EPOS O. MOTTLTOI’T (Richard Green). The Bible as lit,erature by R. G. Moulton, A. B. Bruce and others. :pp. xviii. + 375. tH. C.] 8. 1899.
Card ID: 114
S”L1 bc. L. - i - MOULTON (Richard Green). Shakespeare as a draoatic artist: a popular illustration of the principles of scientific critioism...Third edition, revised, and en1ared. pp. xiv. + (2) + 443. LD.—L.L.1 0 8 . Oxford, 1697. ç€e conBqlU ThtC3W [A Reprint.) pp. xiv. + (2) + 443. 8’. Oxford, 1906.
Card ID: 119