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MOULTON James Hope a:an james|k:0425 (2)
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MOULTON, James Hope
Author: MOULTON (James Hope)
P1+k MOULTON (James Hope). Early Zoroastrianisin: lectures delivered at Oxford and in London, February to May 1912. (The Hibbert Lectures, Second Series, 1912.) pp. xviii. + (2) + L.68. 0 8 . London, 1913.
Card ID: 104
MOULTON (James Hope). From EypUan rubbish—heaps: five popular leotures...on the New Testament, with a sermon, delivered at N’orthfield, Massaohuetts, in August., 1914. pp. 143. [. 0.] 8. London, C1916.] I
Card ID: 105