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MOTLEY John Lothrop a:l i t’|k:l (‘i) (5)
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MOTLEY, John Lothrop
Author: MOTLEY (John Lothrop)
MOTLEY (John Lothrop). The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley. EdIted by G.\V. CurtIs, etc. 2 vols. PortraIt. 8°. New York, 1889.
Card ID: 488
HP’ Hot MOTLEY (John Lothrop). HIstory of the UnIted Netherlands, fran the death of WIIlIan the SIlent to the Synod of Thrt ([or rather] to the Twelve Years’ Truce, 1609)... WIth portraIts. L. vols. [o.G.1 80. London, 1860-67. Second edItII, tIth portraIts. 14. vo1s I •‘ E t! [D.-L.L.) 8°. London, 1868. Vols. 3, I are of the fIrst edItIon, d.ted 1867.
Card ID: 490
DPO9TOR MOTLEY (John Lothrop). Peter the Great: [an essay from the North AmerIcan BevIew for October 18)+5]...EdIted wIth Introd.uctIon and notes. (EnRlIsh ClassIc SerIes, 121—122.) pp. 70. 16°. New York, 1893.
Card ID: 492
MP2 MOTLEY (John Lothrop). The RIse of the Dutch RepublIc: a hIstory,. tContInued.) LLIçpl4 A new eIltIon. 3 vols. [D.—L.L.] 8°. Lonpon, l875•. [Another edItIon.] pp. v-uI. +46a. PortraIts, DIates an_fp1ded map. 8°. Lpndp, [1883].
Card ID: 494
L33 1Jü4 MOT 1101 MOTLEY (John Lothrop). See 1101241S (OlIver WendeLl), the Elder. John Lothrop Motley: a memoIr. A reprInt of the edItIon of 1878.3 Freeport, N.Y., 1972.
Card ID: 495