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MOSS Charles in (charles) (8)
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MOSS, Charles
MOSS, Charles !dward
BAUDELAIRE, Charles Pierre
No Author available
Author: MOSS (Charles)
Po’rteus Library 4 MOSS (Charles), successively Bishop of Saint David’s and of Bath and Wells. The Sequel [by Bishop Moss to the Tryal of the witnesses [by T. Sherlock)...The third edition. London, 1757. i]SU CHRIST. The Tryal of the witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus,
Card ID: 331
Author: MOSS (Charles 1!dward)
I MOSS (Charles 1!dward). Vegetation of the Peak dist.riot. tY(ith a bib1ograpby.j pp. x. + 235. Pl3teL. 80. 9 Containii’g two foide maps In a case on the end. cover.
Card ID: 333
Author: BAUDELAIRE (Charles Pierre)
XTR B32a Mos BAUDELAIRE (Charles Pierre). [Appendix.] See MOSS (armand). Baudelaire et Delacrojx. Paris, [1973].
Card ID: 132
Author: No Author available
BATH AND WELLS, Charles, Bishop of. [1774.J § MOSS (Charles), successively Bishop of Saint Davids and of Bath and Wells.
Card ID: 269
SAINT DAVIDtS, Charles, Bihop of. [1766—74.] MOSS (Charles), successively Bishop of Saint David’s and oi Bath and Wells.
Card ID: 274
Porteus Library 4 SEQUEL. The Sequel [by Charles Moss,.Bishop of Bath and WellsJ to the Tryai. of the witnesses [by T. Sherlockj...The third edition. London, 1757. JESUS CHRIST. The Ta1 of the witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus.
Card ID: 433
Portcu Library 4 JESUS CE-IR [ST. - The Tryal of the witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus. — The Sequel [by Charles Moss, Bi&op of Bath arid Vellsj to the Tryal of the witnesses [by T. Sherlock). . .In .anzer to a pamphlet (by P. Annet), intitleci The Resurrection of Jesus considered...The third edition. pp. 164. 8°. London, 1757.
Card ID: 368
(. L3 MOSS (Charles Edward) The CarnbridEo Brit.,ish flora...Illustrated from drawings b E. W. Huybun. Vols. 2-3. Portra and raps. ft]. Cqnibrid..e, il4—2O. 2: Salieaooae to ohenopodiaceae. 3. Portulaoaoeae to wariaoeae. No- more blish.
Card ID: 332