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MORT John a:as john|k:to (john) (8)
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MORT, John
SMITH, John Penney
No Author available
Author: MORT (John)
• YR3 MORT (John). SHAKESPEARE (IV.) [co11eted Poems.] Shakespeare self—revealed in his $onet and Ipntx and turtle’; the texts, with an introductior. and analyses by J.M[ortJ. London and 1904.
Card ID: 291
Author: VROLYK (John)
xrr M34a Vro VROLYK (John). Le Teups at la mort dans iioeuvre romanesque de Roger Martin du Card. pp. 222. Paris, 1974.
Card ID: 465
Author: SMITH (John Penney)
, •: SMITH (John Penney). See MARTIN-ACHARD (Robert). IDe la Mort a la Rsurreotion daprs l’Anoien Testament. — English.] Prom death to life: a study of the development of the doctrine of the resurrection in the Old Testament. Translated by J.P. Smith. Edinburgh and London, 1960.
Card ID: 316
Author: No Author available
flip M34e. Vro KARTU{ DC GARD (Roger). See ViROLYI< (John). Le ¶Peips et la mort dane 1 ‘oeuvre romanesque de Roger Martin dii Gard. Paris, 1974.
Card ID: 589
- A V&.(_’(. MORt,TY (John), 1st. Vicoun Morley of B1ack MoCALLUM (JJ).) Lord Morley’s orItioi5ni of Engl±sh pcetry acI prcs, L?rinoetin, 1921.
Card ID: 547
Author: SAUVAQE (Felix)
YMFE 930 SAUVAQE (Felix). Søe SHfiJESPEARE (William). [King John. — and Frenc.j La Vie et la mort du rol. Jean. raduction de F. Sauvage. 0 16 . [Paris, 1930).
Card ID: 90
Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)
SHAKESPEARE (William). [Collected poems.) Shakespeare self—revealed in his Sonnet,s’ and Phnix and t,urt,le’: the texts with an intro—. duction and analyses by J. *rt. pp.(6) + iii. +27. 8. London and Manoheoter, 1904. [Another copy.] With an autograph letterjsigned John -Mort, presenting the book to Prof. C.H.Herford, inserted•
Card ID: 234
±HFE .930 S3A (wiiijam). [King John. — English and French.) La. Vie et la mort du roi Jean. ?raduction de F. Sauvage. (Collection Shakespeare1 publiôe sous la direction de A.Koszul.) pp. xviii. 204. Portrait. 16°. [Paris, 1930].
Card ID: 175