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MORRIS WIlliam a:shaw william|k:it (william) (45)



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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    MORRIS (William), tbe Ppet. EColiI William Morris: artist, writer, Socialist. LA collection of essays, papers, poems, etc. taken from M. or reprinted from periodicals, and a memoir by Bernard Shaw.] Oxford, 1936. MoIuUS (kay).

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    - - A MORRIS (William) Poet. The Dr is comii-g. [A o1i&t,.J . 8. Loi4On, 11884]. LONDON. Elil. Miscellanoona Institutione, Societies, etc.] Democratic Feeration. -• (Thanf,s for Socialists. No. 1.

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    MORRIS (William), tRoft. The Defenoe of Guenevere axid ot,her poews... Illust,rated by J. M. King. pp. 310. 8°. London & New.ii., 1cO4.

    Card ID: 371

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    r MORRIS (William), the Poet. r- The Earthly paradise; a poem. [With ano-v-Qc1. inbroduction by J.W.Mackail.) 12 vols. Portrait. [E.D.N.L.) 8°. London, 1905. —— [Another edition.] (The Silver Library.00 k vols. Portrait. 8O. London, 1905.

    Card ID: 375

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    (x) MORRIS (William), the Poet. [The Earthly Paradise.] The Man born to be Kiiig, from “The Earthly Paradise’1 ...Edited with ai introduction arid notes...l2ew thnpression. (Ipm’ C—boo of English Lir.) pp. xx. +75. 8. 1913. fl

    Card ID: 376

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    STERLING URARY REFERENCE ONLY MORRIS (William), the Poet. Help for the miners. [Reprinted from the] Daily Chronicle1 Nov. 10th, 1893. The deeper iueanin of the struggle. pp.(2). 8°. ondori,] 1893. Catalogued from the caption.

    Card ID: 379

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    - • MORRIS (William) ,the Poet. Hopes and. fears for art: five lectures, delivered in Birmingham, Lond.o. & Nottinghaui. (Signs of change: seven lectures delivered on various occasions.) 2 1. [E.D.M.L.) fol. [London, 1902.] One of 300 copies_printed at the Chiswick Press iith thGIen typeë iffby ;orr1s ror tsie (elès

    Card ID: 381

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    fELIG LIBRARY fs t rEFE1ENCE O!LY MORRIS (William). tie Poet. The Life and death of Jason: a poem. [with woodcuts designed by Sir E.Burne—Jones and engraved by W.Spielmeyer.] pp. 353. 40 [1Celmeott Pres3: Hammersmitb, 1895]. Edition limited to 206 copies. One of 200 copies on paper. SL.C., III.333.

    Card ID: 386

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    MORRIS (William), Poet On the artistic qualities of the woodcut books of Ulm and Augsburg in the fifteenth century. BIBLIOGRAPHICA. Bibliographica. Vol. 1. pp. 437—455. London, 1895.

    Card ID: 395

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    STERLING UERAR’( L j - EFEEC CLY - MORRIS (William), the Poet. : .. The Story of the littering Plain, which has been leo called the Land of Living Mer or the Acre of the Undying. pp. 1. 4°.[Keiscott Press: Hamwersrnith, 1891). Editio’ limited to 206 côpie. Oizc of 200 copies on paper. S.L.C., III. 299. • -[Another odition. With woocicuts designed by vi. Crnne.] pp. 177. 40.[Kelmscott Press: Rerernith, 1894]. Edition limited to 257 conies. One of 250 copies on paper. III. 320.

    Card ID: 399

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    tLi%) Se t MORRIS (William), the Poet. The Water of the wondrous isles...Pooket edition. 2 vols. 16°. London 1914.

    Card ID: 406

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    Author: MORRIS (William)


    STEL!G L1DAR’( L’’(t- ig FEFEC o’!-Y MORRIS (William), the Poet. The Well at the world’s end. [With woodcuts designed by Sir E.Burne—Jones.] pp. 496. 4°. [Kelmscott Press: Hammersmith, 1896]. Edition limited to 358 eopies. One ofO copies on aper. 2 trial leaves, incororàtin woà.cuts des±ned by ArthurJ.Gaskin, orilly intend for this edition,e inserted.. S,TC flL 338. — [Another eition.J 2 vols. 80. London, 1896.

    Card ID: 407