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MORRIS Earl Haistead a:on robert|k:an (robert) (2)
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MORRIS, Earl Haistead
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Author: MORRIS (Earl Haistead)
C ‘r MORRIS (Earl Haistead) and BURGH (Robert F.) Anasazi basketry, Basket Maker II through Pueblo III: a study based on specimens from Lhe San Juan river country. (With a bibliography,] (Carnegie Institution of Washingt.on. Publication No. 33.) pp. 1i. + (I) + 65.Plätes and foldäd maps. 49 Washington, 1941.
Card ID: 172
Author: No Author available
C. J MORRIS (Earl Haistead) and BURGH (Robert Frederic). Basket Maker II sites near Dt’ango, Colorado... iVith appendices, [With a bibliography.] (carnegie Institution of Washington. ublicatio. 604.1 pp. x,. + 135. Plates, diaran2s, maps, pins and tables. 40• W.inton D.C., 1954.
Card ID: 173