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MORISON Stanley a:j john|k:to (john) (8)
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MORISON, Stanley
MORISON, Stanley and JACKSON, Holbrook
Author: MORISON (Stanley)
Pa1ographY c_Ic Room MORISON (Stanley). American copybooks: an outline of their history from Colonial to modern times, eto. pp. 41. Facsimiles. 8°. Philadelphia, 1951.
Card ID: 299
c_c- ZjtfLs-J MORISON (Stanley). 3yantirLe elements in humanistic script. I’.’.strated from the Aulus Gellius of 1445 in the NeberryIibrary. ff. 1. ilist rations. 8°. chi’ago, 1952. ?r1nte on one side of
Card ID: 300
MORISON (Stanley). English prayer books: an introduction to the literature of .Christian public worship. (Problems of Worship.) pp. viii. + 142 + (2). 8. Cambridge 1943. &ITOVT (Third edition.) [Vlith a bibliographical note.] pp. ix. + (1) + 238 + (2). Portrait and facsimiles. 8°. Qide, 1949.
Card ID: 302
MORISON (Stanley). John Bell,, 1745—1831, [Contiaue.] NQ.. 3.8 of 100 sDeeial copies bund prir ted for members of the First Edition Club. A note: on Jo 1,_addressed to The members of the Club. isinserted.
Card ID: 303
MORISON (Stanley). The Typographic arts, past, present & future: a lecture delivered at the College of Art, Edinburgh, 17 February 1944. pp. (4) + 44. 8°. Edinburgh, 1944.
Card ID: 313
MORISON (Stanley). typographic design inrelationto photo— graphie composition. Introduction by J. Carter. pp. (8) + 32, 8°. San Francieco, 1959. One of 400 copies printed.
Card ID: 315
fj& Silo MORISON (Stanley). See DEEYFLJS (John Gustave). The Work of Jan van Krimpen; a record in honour of his sixtieth birthday..Jith a foreword by S. Morison,.fl. Ipndon [Baarlem printed], 1952.
Card ID: 316
Author: MORISON (Stanley) and JACKSON (Holbrook)
LJ MORISON (Stanley) and JACKSON (Holbrook). A Brief survey of printing history and practice. pp.87. Facsimiles. 0 8 . 42n, 1923.
Card ID: 319