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MORISON Samuel Eliot a:e |k:e (or) (5)
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MORISON, Samuel Eliot
Author: MORISON (Samuel Eliot)
MORISON (Samuel Eliot). Christopher Columbus: admiral of the ocean sea, etc. supra: Admiral of the ocean sea, e. [Condensed version.]
Card ID: 292
!JS STAC1 33 NF Mor MORISON (Samuel Eliot). Harrison Gray Otis, 1765-1848: the urbane Federalist, etc. pp. xxii, 561. Illus. and maps. Boston., 1969.
Card ID: 293
MORISON (Samuel Eliot). The Route of Columbus along the north coast of Haiti, and the site of Navidad. Philadelphia, l9LO. See PHILADELPHIA. American Philosophical Society. Transactions...New series, vol. 31, pt. L, pp. iv. + 239-285.
Card ID: 296
DEPOSiTORY MORISON (Samuel Eliot). The Second voyage of Christopher Columbus from Cadiz to Kispaniola and the discovery of the Lesser Antilles. pp. (8) + 112. aps. 80 Oxford, 1939.
Card ID: 297
NAfl Par MORISON (Samuel Eliot). See PARXWN (Yi-snci), the Younger. The Parkwan reader. From the works of Francis Parkmexi. Selected and edited with an introduction and notes by Samuel Eliot Morison, etc. Boston and Toronto, 1955.
Card ID: 298