
Search Term (count):

MORISON John Lyle a:to john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: MORISON (John Lyle)


    : DEpoii-oar MORISON (John Lyle). Lawrence of Lucknow, 1806—1857: being the life of Sii Henry Lawrence retold from his private and public papers by 3. L. Morison. pp. viii. ÷ 343. prtraits, facsimi4i and naps. 0 8 . LondQn, 1934.

    Card ID: 283

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    Author: IAORISOR (John Lyle)


    OEoyoçpy IAORISOR (John Lyle). PEACOCK (Reginald), successively 3,bop of Sal sa §nd Qf. Chichest. Reginald Pecock’s &ok of Faith: a fifteenth century tractte. Edited frorzi the AS. in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, with n introductory essay, by J.L. Morison. csgL, 1909.

    Card ID: 286