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MORGAN Sir Henry a:in alexander|k:in (alexander) (2)



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    Author: MORGAN (Sir Henry)


    MORGAN (Sir Henry). See EXQUEMELIN (Alexander 0.) [Be Americaensche Zee—Rovers. — English.] Bucaniers of America...Wherein are contained nore especially the u.nparallel’d exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, etc. London, 1684.

    Card ID: 473

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    Author: No Author available


    tc;. O.L1 EXUEMELIN (Alexander Olivier),[fle_Ameconche Zee—Rov’ers .—Englishj Bucaniers of America; or, a True account of the most remarkable assaults committed. of late years upon the coasts of the West—Indies by the bucaniers of Jamaica and. Tortuga, both English and French. Wherein are contained more especially the unparallel’d exploits of Sir Henry Morgan ...Written originally in Dutch, by John [or rather, A.O.J Esquemeling...and thence translated into Spanish, by Alonso de Bonne—maison. • .Now faithfully rendred into English. (The second volume. Containing the dangerous voyage and. bold attempts of Captain Bartholomew Sharp, CSEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 229