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MORE, William
MORE, William Philhirnore Watts
Author: MORE (William)
MORE (William), of Caidwell, Historian. A Critical history of the language and literature ‘of antient Greece. 5 vols. Folded maps. 0.1 8°. London, t650—57. Second edition. 5 vols. Folded maps. 8. London, 1854—67.
Card ID: 447
Author: MORE (William Philhirnore Watts)
L-3F PflIL1tMORE (William Philhirnore Watts). Phillirnore’s Parish Register Series. HAMPSHIRE. Hampshire parish registers, .. [Continued.1 11. [Continued.] Rotherwick, Bentworth, Boidre. 12. Brading, Calbourne, Freshwater, Niton, WhItwell, Yaverland. 13. Winchester St. Maurice. 14. Newport. 15. St. Thomas a Becket - Portsmouth. Part 2. i6. Winchester — St. Thomas with St. Clement, St. Pe ehihi), St. Faith, [S]E NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 368