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MOORE William Daniel a:an william|k:it (william) (2)
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MOORE, William Daniel
Author: MOORE (William Daniel)
MOORE (William Daniel). See LONDON. [iii. Lliseellaneous Instittttions, Societies, etc.] Now Sydenhan Socie. [Pizb.icationa.J 4. Pro±1essor Schroeder van der to1k on the minute structure and functions o± the spinal cord...Translated froiu the oriina1 .by 1(• Moore. London, ).859.
Card ID: 548
MOORE (William Daniel) IONDON. ‘III. Jisce11aneoue IntitUtionS, Societies, etc.] New Syenha Society. [Publications.] 11. Seleobed moncraphs...Schroeder van der Kolk on atrophy of’ the brain. (Translated ty W. i) !oore), etc. 1861.
Card ID: 549