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MOORE Sir Jonas a:l t’|k:l (t) (3)



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    Author: MOORE (Sir Jonas)


    b€M]L LN-:J 1 MOORE (Sir Jonas). -‘ Moores Arithmetick, discovering the secrets of that art, in numbers and species. In two bookes. The first teaching (by precept and example> the ordinary operations in numbers, whole and broken... The second, the great rule of algebra in species, resolving all arithmeticall questions by supposition; with a canon of the powers of numbers; fitted to the meanest capacity, and published for the generall good of this ktngdome. 2 parts in 1 voL _______ _______ [De Ma] 80. T. Harper for N. Brookes: London, 1650. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 344

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    Author: MOORE (sir Jonas)


    MOORE (Sir Jonas). Moores ritbmetick, . [cOTINUED.J COLLATION: A—S8, Aa2 Bb—Gg8 H8 1i6 jc8. ig. Gg4 is lettered G4. Each part hs a distjnct tit1e—pge. The pginationof the second rt_is irregular. Imperfect: wantingjgs.Ii7—8. Cropp. With ms.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: MOORE (Sir Jonas)


    1 MOORE (Sir Jonas) Moores Arithmetick, [CO1QTTNUED.J —Moore’s Arithuetick in four books.. .The third edition with additions, (Book II...methodically digested and inlarged by J. Hawkins. Book IIT...revised and augmented by J. Hawkins.) 6 parts in 1 vol.. Folded piates a,d tables. tDe M.] 8°. 1688. Each part has a distinct tit1e—pag, but the pagination and register are continuous throg— out.

    Card ID: 348