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MOORE George Edward moore (edward) (2)
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MOORE, George Edward
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Author: MOORE (George Edward)
Lç •14iJ: ‘94 MOORE (George Edward). See LINDBLO4 (Paul). “Common sense” och ndam1setik i G.E.Moores filosofi. Lund, 1945.
Card ID: 234
Author: No Author available
UPSALA. egia Academia Usjensjs, Irlaendska IiisJitutet. TJpsa].a Irish studies. [Continued.] ct 3. NEJDEFORS—FRISt (Sonja). George Moore’s ° naturalistic prose. 1952. 4. BJERSBY, afterwards BRAMSBACK (Birgit M.H.) James Stephens: a literary and bibliograph ical study. 1959. 5. SETTERQUIST (Jan). Ibsen and the beginnings of Anglo—Irish drama. Vol. 2. Edward Martyn. 1Qfl. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 326