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MOORE George a:on paul|k:is (paul) (3)
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MOORE, George
MOORE, George Edward
FEHR, Bernhard
Author: MOORE (George)
M7cht1 MOORE (George). See COLLET (Georgee Paul). George Moore et la ‘rarice. Geneva and Paris, 1957.
Card ID: 208
Author: MOORE (George Edward)
Lç •14iJ: ‘94 MOORE (George Edward). See LINDBLO4 (Paul). “Common sense” och ndam1setik i G.E.Moores filosofi. Lund, 1945.
Card ID: 234
Author: FEHR (Bernhard)
FEHR (Bernhard). Schweizer anglistische Arbeiten, etc. [Continued.] ti78Lk 8i. ScHMID (Wilhelm), Author of “George Moore: The Untilled &. Field. George Moore: The unti].lcd field. Entstehung, Thematik, Form. 1975. 82. ZAEIiNER (Lilly). Desion and saint in the novels H’I. of Aldous Huxley. 1975. 83. DUE MULTE1 (Urs). Narrative possibilities of the tail—rime romance. [With special reference to ‘The En of Tolous’ .J 1975. A 8.. CASPA!IS (Christian Paul). Tense without times then present tefl6e in narration. 1975. 83. WEIDMANN (Urs). FlieEerspra’he: vergicichende Betrachtun des Inhaltes englischer Fachausdrucke aus der Verkohrsflieger-’ l’ [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 99