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MOORE Edward a:on e|k:on (e) (4)
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MOORE, Edward
MOORE, Graee Edna
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Author: MOORE (Edward)
STERLING LIBRARY L] E £7sAcsioIeic rrcr REFERENCE ONLY MOORE (Edward), Principal of Saint Edmund Hafl, Oxford. See DANTE ALIGHIERI. [Divina Commedia.— - Purgatoric.— Italian. J Lo Purgatorio di Dante Alighieri fiorentino. [In the text prepared for the Oxford edition of Dante by Edward Moore.) Ashendene Press: [Chelsea], 1904
Card ID: 116
Author: MOORE (Graee Edna)
MOORE (Graee Edna). EDWARD, called the King 01’ England. The Middle English verse life of Edward the Confessor...[F4ited by] G. E. Moore. PhiladeThh, 1942.
Card ID: 249
Author: No Author available
STERLING LIBRARY CS .L REFERENCE ONLY P’ —9O T MOORE (Edward), Principal of Saint Emund Hall, Oxford. See DANTE ALIGHIERI. [Divina Coinmedia.—Paradiso.— Italian.] Lo Faradiso di Dante Alishieri fiorentino. [In the.:text prepared for the. Oxford editon of Dante by E,Moore.] Ashendene Press: [chelsea, 31905.
Card ID: 117
P-c. . 1 J EDWARD, called the Confessor, The Middle English verse life of Edward the Confessor. jWith an introduction, notes and a glossary, and with an appendix containing the text of two fifteenth century prose lives of Edward the Confessor.] A dissertation.., presented to the (University of Pennsylvania)...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. [By] G. E. Moore. p. (4) + xci. + 142. 0 8 . Philadephia, 1942.
Card ID: 52