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MONEY Walter a (walter) (7)
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MONEY, Walter
RR, dwin Walter
NUGENT, Walter Terry King
BESANT, Sir Walter
POPE, Walter James Macqueen—
No Author available
Author: MONEY (Walter)
1zK MONEY (Walter). historical sketch of the town of Elungerford in the county of Berks, including a list of constables and extracts from their accounts, together with an abstract of the ancient town records and other local documents. pp. 73. Frontispiece and 0 8 . Newb, 1o94.
Card ID: 57
Author: RR (dwin Walter)
DEPOSiT tcY KEMhiRR (dwin Walter). Money: the principles of money and their exemplification in outstanding chapters of monetary history. [with .bi1iógraphies,] pp. xii. + Li.06. Di.arams and tables. 0 8 • Tew York. 1937.
Card ID: 589
Author: NUGENT (Walter Terry King)
33 NEFQ Nug NUGENT (Walter Terry King). The Money question durinp reconstruction. (The Norton Essays in Mierican History,) pp. 127.- New York, 1967.
Card ID: 179
Author: BESANT (Sir Walter)
BESANT (Sir Walter). and. RICE (James), Novelist. Ready—money Mortiboy: a matter—of-fact story... A new edition. With a frontispiece; (The Piccadilly Novels.) pp. (2) + 444. 8°. London, 1888.
Card ID: 113
Author: POPE (Walter James Macqueen—)
>S”:d- R POPE (Walter James Macqueen—). Shirtfronts and sables: a story of the days when money could be spent. pp. 320. Portraits and ilustrats Lpj, 19.
Card ID: 301
Author: No Author available
Yr 3’iR k’z-?G c.’.A—L !\° GIUG (Sir Walter Wilson). See HAUGHTON (William), Dramatis. nglish—men for my money; or, a Pleasant comedy called a woman will haue her will [By W.Haughton. A type—facsimile of the first edition of 1616, prepared by LW. Greg.1 [oxford printed, 1913].
Card ID: 45
W iir1PA L..:’rJ NEWLYN (Walter Tessier ). Theory of money. pp. vi. + 171. Diagrams, charts aid tab. 8°. Oxford, l964J. Second edition. pp. 220. i’acEam., diagrars, charts and tables. r.W Oxford, 1971. [Another copy.] Third edition. (By Newlyn and R.P. Bootle.) pp. vi, 2O. Facim., diars., charts and tables. Oxford, 1978. 3 TPD [Another copy.]
Card ID: 390