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MOLLOY Edward (3)



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    Author: MOLLOY (Edward)


    MOLLOY (Edward). Modem oil engine practice: dealing with principles and construction, operation, maintenance and servicing of the leading types of stationary, marine and automobile Diesel engines, with notes on rail traction and aero DieseL practice. Edited by E.Molloy. Chier contributors: J.H.Chaloner, C.B.M. Dale, H.C.Lawrence, C.H.Pau.lin, T.D.Walshaw, (Third edition.) pp. xxiv. + 670. I4utrations, diagrams.. c)ir.nd tabLes. 80. 1947.

    Card ID: 175

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    Author: MOLLOY (Edward)


    DEPO6ITORY MOLLOY (Edward). Principles and practice of heatir and ventilating. Prepared by a staff of tocirnicaJ. experts under the direction of E. MoJ.loy. With foreword by A. C. Pailot. pp. viii. + 312. Il1utratio, djararns and tables. 8°. don, l945

    Card ID: 176

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    Author: MOLLOY (Edward)


    •EPO&ITop MOLLOY (Edward). Sound—film projection; dealing with the installation, operation and maintenance of the leading types of sound—projection equipment and public—address systems. Editor £.Uolloy; contributors .W.Campbc1l, T.A.Law, L.F.Morris, A.T.Sinclair. With.. .illustrations. pp. viil. ÷ 232. Dig-ams and tables. 8o. London, 1945. e

    Card ID: 177