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MILTON John a:y john|k:to (john) (171)



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    Author: MILTON (John)


    vi: FENTO1 (Elijah) - See MILTON (John). [P&radjse Lost.) Paradise lost:, a poem i twelve books. (The Life of John Milton. LBy E. Fenton.)) London, 1751.

    Card ID: 115

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    • MILTON (John). [Works.) cvL The Works of John Milton. (F.A.Patterson, general editor.) (Columbia University Edition.) 18 vols. Portraits, illustrations facsimiles. 0 8 • New York, 19t—38. An Index to the Columbia edition of the works of John lUlton. By F.A.Patterson, assisted by F.R.Fogle. 2 vols. 8°. New York, 1940. [sEE NEXT GiRD.)

    Card ID: 278

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    YT (1S’C MILTON (John). [Poetical Works.] 69 Vc’.a [The Poetical works oi’ John Milton.) Paradise ‘ lost...The sixth edition, etc. (Paradise reain’d: a poem in IV. books, to which is added Samson Agonistes.) 3 parts in J. vol. Portrait .and plates. fol. T.Hodkin for J.Tonson: London, 1695. Paradise reain’d bears the date 1715 (a misp rint forl65T. Pb1iehed with6ütthe Leneral tiUepae, Poems on several oooasioni latory notes on each booc o th Paradise lost, byp.Hume, which were included iiihe co.molete edition. [sEa NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 280

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    MILTON (John). (Poetical Works.] [The Poetical works of John Milton. J [continued. IFor another issue of Paradise lost: j infra: [Paradise Lost.J

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    MILTON (John). [-Poetical Works.] Paradise lost, (Paradise regain’d: a poem in four books. To which is added, Sanison Agonistes, and Poems upon several occasions, with a Tractate of ethcation... The seventh edition, corrected.) Vol.2. 8°. Lpndon, 1727. fe.ctj antii Vol.1 Loti, and the frontispiece to Vol.2.

    Card ID: 282

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    (i c MILTON (John). [Poetical Works.] The Poeticaiwor of John Miltoa, I roin the text of Dr. Nevton. With a critical essay by J. Aikin. 4 vols. z’trait and plts. 8°. London, 1801.

    Card ID: 287

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    C,cvitk L_ MILTON (John). [Poetical Works,] The Complete poetical works of John Milton. With explanatory notes, arid a life of the author, by H.Stebbing. (Dove?,s English Classics.) pp. xvi. + 54B Frontispiece. 12. London, [. 1840]. With a second eaved title—page,

    Card ID: 294

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    , C’) [i MILTON (John). [Minor Poets.) Latin and Italianpoes of Milton, translated into English verse Iwith the originals); and a &agment of a corumentary.on Paradise lost by the late W. Cowper. With a preface -by the editor (W. Hay1ey). and notes of various authors. pp. xxvf 1. + 328. - Plates. 4°. ani-Lbndbn, i8O8.

    Card ID: 309

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    • MILTON (John). jiAinor Poems.] The Latin and Itaiin poems of Milton, translated into glish verse by J.G. trutt. (Notes on the Latin poems of Milton.) pp.viii. + 144 ÷ (22).. 8°. Londm, 1814.

    Card ID: 310

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    MILTON (John). £Minor Poems.] L’Allegro and Ii. Penseroso, poetry by Milton. Music by Handel. pp.. 15. [G. G.J 80. [London, 1863.] i2øY only.

    Card ID: 311

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    C- ptri•: r MILTON (John). [TTinor Poems.] Comus and other poems. pp. 84 + (2). Facsimile title-page. 8°. London, Cambridge printed, 1906. 250 cpie on1 printed.

    Card ID: 315

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    Author: MILTON (John)


    Cxvii) MILTON (John). [Minor poems.] MfltonTs Poems 1645. Type facmi1e. (Tudor and Stuart Library.) pp. (10) + (6) + 90.PiEontia- p4ee ortrait and olate. 8°. Oxforc1 1924.

    Card ID: 316