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MILTON John a:on peter john|k:is (peter) (3)
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Author: MILTON (John)
YBJE Kae MILTON (John). [paradise Lost. - AppendixJ See HAEGIN (Peter). The Epic hero and the decline of heroic poetry: a study of the neoclassical English epic, with special reference to Milton’s ‘paradise lost’. 8°.Berne, 196b.
Card ID: 400
Author: No Author available
-p& :1). I 4 c MII1TON (John). - ..[Appidix.J FIORE (Peter A.) The Influence of Augustine on Milton’ s 1960.
Card ID: 547
lONDON. CIII.] In5titute of Economic Affairs. Occasional papers. [Continued.) 4. IRIEDIAN (Milton). Unemployment versus inflation? An evaluation of the Phillips curve...Witt a British commentary ‘The end of “demand management”: how to reduce unemployment in the late 197O’ by D.E.W. Laialer. (Third impression.) 1977. 45. I{AYEK (Friedrich August von), lull employment at any price? etc. 1975. — 46. JAY (Peter), Journalist. A General iypothesis of eap1oyment, inflation and politics, etc. 2.976 47. FL4MING (John Stanton). Catch ‘76..? 14 escapes ic_((’c V..) from economic derangement. [By] John hemming [and. others]. 1976. (SEe: N.T CAPD.]
Card ID: 293