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MILTON John a:in use|k:in (use) (6)
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Author: MILTON (John)
Yl M580 Lau MILTON (John). [Paradise Lost. - Appendix.) LAUDER (Wi.iliam), M.A. An Eassr on Milton’s use and Imitation of the moderns in his Paradise lost. (The preface and postscript written by Dr. Johnson.) 8. London, 1750.
Card ID: 409
(1frf6JC MILTON (John). [Prose Works.— Areopag1tICa.97’ Areopagitica: a speech for the liberty of unlicensed printing. iith notes for the use of schooJ.s by T.G.Osborn. pp. (8) + 109. 12°. London, 1873.
Card ID: 466
Yr M680 Mnc MILTON (John). [paradise Lost. - Aopendlx.J §t McCOLLEY (Grant). Paradise lost: an account of its growth end major origins, with a discussion of Milton’s use of sources and literary patterns. 8°. New York, 1963.
Card ID: 410
Author: ILTON (John)
iILTON (John). Lp,endix.J See URBANA. University of Illinois. Studies in language and 1iterattre. Vol. XIV. No. 3. FLETCHER (H. F.) The Use of the Bible in Milton’s prose, etc. Urbana, 1929.
Card ID: 660
Author: No Author available
1 OSBOR?! (thomas George). MILTON (John). [Prose Works.— Areopagitic Areopagitica...With notes for the use of schools by T.G.Osborn. London, 1873.
Card ID: 83
•-,• R fQ.4.cjAh fl.vicaEf 1j’c vefrcat &.tlç. 1. ‘Accedence coazen’t raJI1Lar, supplynld with suffaiGient r1es for the use of such as, younger or elder,ore desirous, without aore tróu1e than needs, to attain the ‘Latin tongue. ..,with tlitt4e teaching and thir on iindustry. [By] J[ohnj U[,iltonj. pp.’(4’) + 65. [G.Mstt.J 120. PrInted by S. S&,zons: London, 1669. •CO1LATI0N:— 4 — a12, c11. p. (a) tiUc; t2) blank; (t) — (4) To the reader; I — 65 the work, attha ond a flat of errata. The fintiisaue of tbe first edition. 1669 Uiflon’a naice in full on the title—page gnd witty the imprint: “Printri for 5.5. and are to be sold by John Starkey at the Miter in Floct—etrcet,.near Tonpic— bar.” In this work Milton preaervet theuso ofthe old English neuter poseonive pro— [SEE NEXT CARD]
Card ID: 58