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MILL James a:l ‘i|k:l (‘i) (4)
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MILL, James
Author: MILL (James)
9q-: 2930 MILL (James). Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. 2 vols. IG.G.J 8°. London, 1829. A new edition with notes illustrative and critical by A. Bain, A. Findlater and G. Grote. Edited, with additional notes,g/0,. by J.S. Miii. 2 vois. [Dc M.) 8°. London, 1869. [Another copy.] [G.G.]
Card ID: 202
L’’—J ! MILL (James). Fc Essays on I. Government, II. Jurisprudence1 III. Liberty of the press, IV. Prisons and prison di8cipline, V. Colomies, VI. L of nations, VII. Education... Reprinted...from the supplement of the Encyc1opdia Britannica. 7 parts in 1 vol. tc.M.L.J 8°. London, [1825J. tAnother copy.) [U.G.J In tnis copy the first section is of a different edition. Shelved in the Gold5mithe’ Library.
Card ID: 203
g— ‘ MILL (James). A J,?ragmont on Mackintosh: being strioti.ires [by gaines uiiiJ on some passages in the dissertation by Sir J. Macd.ntosh, prefixed to the cyc1opaedia Britannica. London, 1835. See MáCKIWrOSH (Rt. Hon. Sir J.) Dissertation on the progress of ethical philosophy, .
Card ID: 204
MILL (James). Outlines of the oonrses of lectures, [London, 1826?] See LONDON. [III. L!iocellaneaua Institutions, Societies, etc.) University of London. University 3Tiege.
Card ID: 206