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MILES Alfred Henry a:on robert|k:an (robert) (2)
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MILES, Alfred Henry
JLES, Alfred Henry
Author: MILES (Alfred Henry)
e ‘ 1 MILES (Alfred Henry). The Poets and the poetry of the century, etc. [Continued.) 6. William Morris to Robert Buchanan. (Second edition.) 7. Joanna Baillie to Mathilce BLind. tS. Robert Bridges and contemporary poets. 9. Humour, society, parody and occasional verse. 10. Sacred, moral and religious verse.
Card ID: 59
Author: JLES (Alfred Henry)
‘‘ JLES (Alfred Henry) The Poets and the poetry ot the century. Edited by A, H. Miles. 10 vols. 8°. J,ppdpn, [1891—97]. 1. George Crabbe to SamuelTaylor Coleridge. 2. Robert Southey to Percy Bysshe Shelley. 3. John Keats to Edward, Lord Lytton. 4. Frederick Tennysozz ft Arthur Hugh Clough. 5. Charles Kingsley to James Thomson. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 58