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MIJLHALL Michael George a:on michael|k:a (michael) (1)
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MIJLHALL, Michael George
Author: MIJLHALL (Michael George)
L--1 ‘i” LiIUJ MIJLHALL (Michael George). Mtilhail’s dictionary of statistics. pp. (8) + 5O. Plates and tab1es 80. London and NyXork, i88. f’5i —The Dictionary of statistics. pp. vi. + 632, Oiazrams. [M.C.] ‘ITHS’ LPA” PEFEREN(E C @‘-) . London, 1892. rknother copy.] —The New dictionary of statistics: a complement to the fourth edition of Muihall’s Dictionary of statistics. By A.D.Webb. pp. xi. + 682. [H.c.J 80. London and New York, 1911.
Card ID: 594