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MEVES Augustus a:a louis|k:in (louis) (5)
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MEVES, Augustus
LEVES, Augustus
No Author available
Author: MEVES (Augustus)
MEVES (Augustus), the Elder. See MEVES (A.) the Younczer. “Dieu et mon Droit” The Dauphin, Louis XVII. lUng or France: his deliverance from... the Temple at Paris, adoption, and subsequent career in England... By A. de Bourbon [i.e. A. Meves ]. LQfldo, 1876.
Card ID: 281
MEVES (Augustus), the Younge. “Dieu et, mon Droit” The Dauphin, Louis XVII., King o France: his deliverance ±rom... the Temple at Paris, adoption, and subsequent career in England.. By A de Bouron [i.e. A Moves ). Vive la liberte frangaise ,j.) pp • vii + 119 + (3) + Portait. 8°. Longon, 1876.
Card ID: 283
Author: LEVES (Augustus)
LEVES (Augustus), the Elder. c& M}VES (WA.) and (h.), the Younger. The “Prisoner of the Temple’1: u.n... .ccount of the life of Louis Charles Bourbon...known as Augustus Meves. London, i66o.
Card ID: 282
Author: No Author available
LOUIS XVII., King of Frame. MEVES (LA.) and (A.), the Yojinger. The tTprisoner of the TempleTE: an introductory account of the life of Louis Charles de Bourbon...known as Augustus Moves. London, 1860.
Card ID: 169
.iEVES (Wiili&m Augustus) id (Augu5tus), the Younger. The “Prisoner of the Temple”: ri introductovy accouit of the life of Loul5 Chir.Les de Bourbon. . . son of Louis XVI. nd Marie Antoinette, known as Augustus Meves. pp. viii. + 103. Portrait. - 8°, London, 1860.
Card ID: 285