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MELLOR Ethel a:on e|k:e (or) (4)



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    Author: MELLOR (Ethel)


    MELLOR (Ethel). Les Lichens vitricoles et la d4tfrioration des vitrau..x d’g1ise. (Extrait de l Revue Génrale de Botanique. Tome XXXIV., 1922,page z8o.) pp. 16. Plates and diaras. 8°. [Pari., 1922]. Catalogued from the caption. Bound in a volume lettered: Ite11or. Les Lichens vitricoles.

    Card ID: 332

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    Author: MELLOR (Ethel)


    DEPOSITORf MELLOR (Ethel). Les Lichens vibricoles et leur action ni4canique sur les vitrauzc d’6g].ise: note. (Extrait des Comptes rendus des sances de llAcad4mie des Sciences, t.173, p.1106.) pp. 3. 4°. [Paris, 19211. Cataloped from the ctio. Eound in avolumelettered: MeLLor. Lea Lichens vitricoles. -

    Card ID: 334

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    Author: MELLOR (Ethel)


    DEPOSITORY MELLOR (Ethel). BONNIER (G.) British flora...Translated & adapted from the Freneh by E. 1el1or, London, 1925.

    Card ID: 337

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    Author: MELLOR (Ethel) and DAVY DE VIRVILLE (Adjen)


    MELLOR (Ethel) and DAVY DE VIRVILLE (Adjen). La D4trioration des vitraux d’giise de la Mayenne par les ].ichens...Extrait du Bu1ietir’deMayenne—Sciences, 1921. [With a bibliography.j pp. 15. Plates. 8° Laval, 1922. CatBiogued from the rapper. Bound In a volume 1ettered..Mel1or. Les Lichens vitriJäoles.

    Card ID: 338