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MELLIS John a:as john|k:to (john) (3)



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    Author: MELLIS (John)


    MELLIS (John), Mathematician. [For liobert RecorcPs “The Grounde of artes”, edited by J.Je1lis:] RECORD (Robert). The Grounde of artes, etc.

    Card ID: 276

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    Author: LELLIS (John)


    LELLIS (John), Mathematician. OLDCASTLE (H.) Briefe instruction and maner hovv to keepe bookes of accompts after the order of debitor and creditor...Neweiy augmented and set forth by John Mellis (A Short and plaine treatise of arith— meticke in whole numbers...By Iohn Mellis.) Loncion, 1588.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: No Author available


    e.1 RECORD (Robert). . The Grounde of artes, [Contiri.ied.) [Another edition.J Records Arithmetick; or, the Grovnd of arts...Made by B. Record... Augtaented by J. Dee, and since J. Mellis. And now diLigently perused, corrected, illustrated arid enlarged, with an appendix of figurte numbers and the extraction of their roots according to the method of Christian Vrstitius...and new tables of interest...with the true value of annuities.. .the first calculatcd by B. C. l?ut corrected, and the latter.. .calculated by R. !artwel1. pp. (26) + 63o. 8°. M..Fflesherj for John Hanson: Lorido,1648. LAnother copy. [sEE HFT CARD.J

    Card ID: 395