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MEADE, James Edward
Author: MEADE (James Edward)
r a L c1 L1-1! MEADE (James Edward). The Belgium-Luxembourg economic union, 1921-1939: lessons from an early experiment. pp. L.l. Tables. Princeton, 1956. See PRINCETON (NEW JERSEY). Princeton Universiy. Department_qEonomi cs and Social Institutions. International finance Section. Eesays in international finance, 25.
Card ID: 62
y( MEADE (James Edward). Japan and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The Joseph Fisher Lecture in Coimaerce,..1956. pp. 27. Tables. 8°., 1956.
Card ID: 67
T3L) ‘ MEADE (James Edward) and STONE (John Richard i4icholas.) National income and (Third edition, revised.) pp. 48. Tables and diararn. 8°. Cambridge, 1952. -(Fourth edition, revised.) pp. 44. Tables and daram. London, 1957.
Card ID: 72