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MCA Lucius Anneii a:c 3 |k:c(c) (1)
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MCA, Lucius Anneii
Author: MCA (Lucius Anneii)
STE2 ci][_ Is-c)j 3 REFEFCE O’LY 6MCA (Lucius Anneii). tTragedies. — Enlish.J Seneca his tenxLe tragedies, etc. [Continued.] £Jinother issue,] ff. (4) + 218 [or rather, 220]. 40• Imprinted by T.Marsh: London, 1581. In this issue the final words of the text are followed by a poem in 2 stanzas1 ‘The Conpositor to the Readers’, signed ‘Rafe Stanworth’, extending to e4r, ‘hih is numbered 218. All other matter is omitted. i3.I.C., I.’746. T1.i .-*. c .j-)
Card ID: 140