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MAY Henry John a:as john|k:to (john) (9)



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    Author: MAY (Henry John)


    OVBS May MAY (Henry John). Music of the guns. Based on two journals of the Boer War. (by Preda Schlosbérg and James Alexander Kay). pp. 196. Plates and maps. London, 1970.

    Card ID: 450

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    Author: MAY (Henry John)


    R MAY (Henry John). The South African constitution...Third edition. With chapters by A.V.Dickinson, J.F.Hewat, A.E.Jacobs, M.L.Mitchell and R.G.Rulter, etc. [With a bibliography.) pp. xxvi1. T78. 8°. Cape Town and Johannesb, 1955.

    Card ID: 451

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    Author: SPOONER (Henry John)


    SPOONER (Henry John). Industrial fatigue in its re1ation to maximum output...With foreworcs by Sir R.A.Hadfield and JR. Clynes. (Reprint,ed...from “Co—partnership.” December, 1916—May, 1917. pp. 9. 8. ILondon, 1917j.

    Card ID: 301

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    Author: ON (Sir John-)


    PS3F Har Reference only HARING’I’ON (Sir John-). A Briefe vie-w of the state of the Church of England in Q.Elizabeth’ s and King James his reigne to the yeere 1608: being a character and history of the bishops of those tines, and may serve as an aiiditional supply to D3ctor Goodwin a Catalogue of bishops. Written for the private use of Prince Henry, upon occasion of that proverb, Henry the eighth pull’d down monks and their cells. Henry the ninth should pull down bishops and their bells. [Edited. by J.Chetwind.) pp. (io) + 2U [or rather, 213] + (3). 12G. For J.Kirton: London, 1653. The pagination is irregula

    Card ID: 493

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    Author: HOBSON (John Atkinson)


    • _t_cv CcA HOBSON (John Atkinson). § BRAILSFORD (Henry N.) The Life—work of J.A.Hobson... Delivered on 15 May 1947 at the London School of Economics and Political Science. London, 1948.

    Card ID: 115

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    Author: ERRINGTON (Francis Henry Launcelot)


    ERRINGTON (Francis Henry Launcelot). See FRLNEY (John S.) The Case against incense: the speeches of Mr.Dibdin, M.Errington and Professor Collins at the hearing at Lambeth, May 1899. Edited by J.S.Prariey. London, 1899.

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: LIPWORTH (Freda)


    OVBS May SCHLOSBERG afterwards LIPWORTH (Freda), Music of the guns. Based on two journals of the Boer War. (by Freda Schlosbérg and Janes Alexander Kay). pp. 196. Plates and maps. London, 1970. See MAY (Henry John).

    Card ID: 71

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    Author: KAY (Janie Alexander)


    O’Vt3S Nay KAY (Janie Alexander). Music of the guns. eased on two journals of theBoer War. (by Freda Sch1osbér and James Alexander Kay). pp. 196. Plates and maps. Iondon, 1970. See MAY (Henry John).

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: No Author available


    ._d:_ titE:€ ROLFE (John) . %r A True relation of the stateof Virginia, lefte by Sir Thomas Dale, Knight, in May last, 1616... Set forth, with an introduction and notes, by a group of Virginia librarians. [A facsimile and transcription.] Printed. from the original manuscript in the private library of Henry C. Taylor. (nierIcanum Nauticurn, 2.) pp. 41. fol. Nets Elaven 1951. One of212 copies.

    Card ID: 697