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MAXWELL William Gilchrist a:g william|k:it (william) (2)
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MAXWELL, William Gilchrist
MAXWELL, William Gilchrist Clark-
Author: MAXWELL (William Gilchrist)
CLARK—MAXWELL (William Gilchrist). ‘MkXWELL (wjuia G, c,)
Card ID: 140
Author: MAXWELL (William Gilchrist Clark-)
vs MAXWELL (William Gilchrist Clark-) and Tho.1pSON (Alexander Hamilton). The Co11ee of St. ?ry gdalene, Bridgnorth, with son account of its Deans and Prebenda.ries... Reprinted from the Archaeological Journal. • .2nd series, Vol. X)QCIV, etc. pp. 87. Plate, plan and folded facsimile. 8° • London, 1930. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 397